How to run the settings script

Easiest way to launch scripts

Just drag & drop the settings script .jsx file into Photoshop's icon in either the Dock on Mac or the Taskbar on Windows. It's the same way you can open image files, but PS knows that it's a script file and runs it as such. When the batch process ends a dialog will pop up to inform you about that.

On Windows you have to hold Shift when you drop it to the taskbar icon.

Photoshop may ask you if you're sure you want to run the script. When you click "Ok" or "Yes" or whatever the dialog button say, it'll run the script.

Alternative methods to launch scripts

  1. Launch the script from the Photoshop menu File > Scripts > Browse...

  2. You can also make Photoshop Actions where you record launching a script using the drag and drop method or File > Scripts > Browse...

  3. This last method is probably not something you'd want to do with this script, but Photoshop has a scripts folder wherever Photoshop is installed in, like (on Mac): /Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2021/Presets/Scripts. If you install a script this way it will appear in the File > Scripts > ... menu and if you want, you can give it a shortcut in Photoshop at Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts....

Last updated